FREEDOM #poem #poetry

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My chest crackles as I inhale magic
She says I don’t need it
I’m powerful enough

It’s not the power I love but the escape it brings
“Escape from me?” she asks
Escape from everything

I hand her the pipe, but she declines
I know she won’t take it
She’s already there

I breathe in again and run
It’s all behind me now
All except her

She won’t let me go too far
I love her for that
And despise myself

Her love makes me want to give it all up
Almost, but it’s never quite enough
I inhale again

We lie there, and she holds me like a cheating mother
I make promises I know I won’t keep
She plays along

Tomorrow will be different
We’ll run away to an island

I’ll rub her feet while she drinks mai tais

A beautiful dream

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